Opus Way
Our culture code

"Opus is a description of a 'beast of burden' - it describes hard graft."
A fun fact on our company name
So, who started Opus?
Michael O’Donnell (as known as Michael Senior) is our company founder and still plays a very active role here at Opus.
Michael founded Opus over 30 years ago. He started his career as an Engineering Officer in the Merchant Navy, he found a unique group of people who were ambitious and wanted to do their best at all times. This was matched with a really strong work ethic and mindset to win. This had a huge impact on Michael and became the genesis of the culture that exists at Opus today.

Where it all began
After making the bold decision to start Opus. Michael and his wife Melissa visited a Telecoms Exhibition in Brighton. It was here that they chose the manufacturer and the products that they were going to sell.
"I liked telecoms because you were solving a problem for people. Panasonic is a robust product and a robust name at the time so I went for that"
We asked Michael...
"What do you look for when hiring Opus people?"

They are go-getters
They want to win
They have ambition
They are pushing themselves
They want to test themselves

How our values show up at Opus
Working at Opus isn't just about a job; it's about being part of a vibrant culture that's built on a strong foundation of core values.
Work Together to Win Together
What this might look like:
Great teamwork is akin to rowing a boat together. Picture this: when your team is synchronised in their efforts, each rower contributes to propelling the boat forward in the same direction. In the realm of decision-making, a customer-centric approach involving clients, acting on their feedback and working collaboratively with your team to meet agreed objectives. Effective communication is key so keeping the Customer well informed throughout the process enables us to provide a personal service at all times.
What you won't be doing:
What we discourage is any form of isolation or, worse yet, silence. We don't envision our team members working in isolation or within departmental silos. Instead, we encourage a collective effort, akin to everyone pulling their oars in the same direction. This ensures that the individual and wider teams move forward harmoniously towards shared goals, leaving no room for disconnected or uncoordinated actions. Team members not rowing at all or indeed in the opposite direction cause the boat to slow down or even stop!
Own It, and Never Give Up
What this might look like:
Its Friday afternoon and whilst you might be tired from a busy working week, there are customers to serve and they need you to be at your best. There is an issue that is complicated to solve but you stick with it and go above and beyond to solve that Customers issue whilst keeping them informed every step of the way. Nothing is too much trouble and they think to themselves, ‘and that is why we choose to partner with Opus.’
What you won't be doing:
You know you saw a customer email that suggests they aren't happy. You are spending your time on other low priority tasks instead of taking responsibility and responding to that email or picking up the phone to call them. Worst still, you might even assume someone else in the team might pick up that problem and abdicate from taking ownership.
Be Brave and Think Differently
What this might look like:
You're not sitting around, waiting for issues to arise, especially if there's a possibility they might. Instead, you're taking proactive responsibility and swiftly heading off situations before they become issues both internally and externally. Spotting a situation arising, you take the initiative to pick up the phone, reaching out to customers to check in and keep them informed offering alternative options or ways to mitigate the situation. To continually improve what we do, proactively, you invite them to share feedback on aspects that could enhance their experience, all without being prompted or instructed to do so. Then take away the actions noted, make positive changes and feedback to customers so they know that their investment of time was worth it.
What you won't be doing:
Staying in your comfort zone, seeing the same issues being repeated over and over again and expecting a different result. Knowing that you could do something about it, but simply sitting there and doing the same thing.
Strive to be the Best
What this might look like:
You have read and re-read the plan or process of how to do the required task so that you can execute it to a high standard. If there doesn’t seem to be a process, you are writing down the actions you took and creating a new process that will help others that might approach the same task. You are striving to be meticulous and have high standards that you want to achieve every time, whilst mindful of deadlines, so that what you put your name to hits the mark every time.
What you won't be doing:
You have followed the same process for over a year, it mostly works so why change it? Or you recognise that a task that takes 30 minutes could be changed and would get the same result in far less time if it were implemented. But that’s not my job so why should I? Or perhaps you have become complacent with past achievements and are no longer actively seeking any improvement to what you do, your team does or the role you have to play.
Stay Curious and Keep Learning
What this might look like:
Learning can come in so many forms and isn't limited to 'going on a training course'. You recognise that personal development is equally as important as achieving professional development and you are prepared to work on self development through listening to relevant books or taking courses aimed at working on areas of weakness or in-experience. You have high standards and understand that they will only be achieved through continual learning and improvement. You have actively sought feedback from peers in a constructive way. You have objectively analysed the feedback and have taken the initiative to plug the gaps setting yourself clear and measurable development goals.
What this won't look like:
You expect the company to train and develop you alone. A positive attitude to self development is equally important if you want to create the best version of you, both professionally and personally. You are reluctant to share knowledge you know may help others, as you are fearful of letting it go. You aren't showing up to opportunities to engage with those you could learn from and have neglected available workshops that have been offered. Or you do take part but show no discipline to follow through on what you commit to.
Every Wednesday our teams come together in the office so we can collaborate face to face and build relationships. Once a month we host a full company update in the office to inform employees where we are at.
Michael O'Donnell (Senior)
Office vibes
We of course welcome hybrid working as it provides a better work life balance, but we value in person connection in doing business face to face too, as it’s so aligned with how we achieve great things here. We have created a brilliant space, which we are proud to work in. You may notice that the bookable meeting rooms here are named after Scottish Mountains. Well in fact they are named after Merchant Navy ships that our founder Michael sailed on during his time in the Merchant Navy.
Often at times, our office resembles a finely tuned ship. Think of yourself as a crucial part of our engine room, where your dedication to excellence keeps all systems running efficiently. Just like a ship relies on the coordinated efforts of its crew to work together effectively, our office thrives on your contributions.
We love to read at Opus
These books not only serve as the cornerstone of our success and organisational culture but also stand as the very foundation upon which we've built our company. They embody the principles and values that have been integral to our growth and continue to shape the essence of who we are. Fancy reading a copy? Just ask our HR team.

Some of our favourite quotes

We have a dream and a vivid vision
and believe you should too
Our Dreamball Incentive offers the chance for Opus team members to submit a ‘dream’. Something you truly care about or that would make a difference to your life.
For example, A return flight to see a relative that perhaps lives a long-haul flight away. A holiday to Disneyland Paris, a new Kitchen Floor to be supplied and installed, driving lessons to help get you off the buses and into a car.
Whatever it is, the idea is that your dream should enable a significant end goal that may not otherwise happen and to the value of £3,000.
The concept is simple, you submit your dream into the Dreamball machine. A ball will be drawn out and announced at the company update on a quarterly basis.
![Gamma Ball Rally 2023[24].jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/35d304_94815ef5b0b34d29a5bf962d95935acc~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_490,h_501,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/35d304_94815ef5b0b34d29a5bf962d95935acc~mv2.jpeg)
We give back to
our local communities
We launched our 100 days of volunteering initiative in 2023 where employees can volunteer to help at one of our chosen charities or one local to them. This initiative has been well received and proved really beneficial, some continue to volunteer regularly. Here is some of their feedback:
"I took part in volunteering at Stripey Stork earlier this year. It was really rewarding to go and help for half a day at a charity that does such great work for both children and the local community. Having a young child I know how lucky she is to have everything she needs and it does open your eyes to those less fortunate than yourself and is such a worthwhile day. It was also good to get to know different members of staff who I would not usually necessarily speak with."
"Sometimes we forget just how lucky we are to have the things we do. It is not until you visit a charity organisation that you truly appreciate that. It is a very humbling experience to not only realise how little many people have but to also work with the volunteers that do their best to help those in such need. The Charity I volunteered at has grown so much in the recent cost of living crisis but can only continue to do so with volunteers and donations."
"This was a great experience and a real eye-opener. Renewed Hope does a fantastic job and gives people who have currently fallen on hard times some respite and a meal to get them through the day. The day-to-day volunteers provide a service which goes a long way. Everybody should do this at least once to understand what an impact it makes on these charities."
Opus has supported Polar Bears International (PBI) over the past 13 years. PBI protect the world’s most vulnerable species that depend on sea ice.
Opus also supports a tree planting initiative for animal pathways in Kenya that puts vulnerable animals and their conservation at the forefront of environmental preservation.
We look forward to seeing how else we can continue to support these charities in the future.

We asked our people
Does anyone at Opus inspire you?
Michael Senior
He has a great ability to clearly communicate the "why" and inspire staff with his strong morals. What he says, leaves us feeling that we are all a part of a strongly bonded Opus family
Juliette Lee
Jules radiates energy and enthusiasm across Opus and in everything she does, she demonstrates a growth mindset and will stretch herself to achieve anything she sets out to.
The Board
Opus has some of the greatest leaders and role models that I respect. I've had a lot of direct support and individual emphasis given to me. I've not found this in previous roles and it gives me the feeling that I have input myself which is gratifying.
Nick Ruthen
I have seen Nick go from an engineer to being promoted to the project engineering team manager - and doing an excellent job. Nick always had strong ideas on how things should be done and it's inspiring to see how he's been nurtured and mentored into the extremely capable manager he now is.
Georgina McKenna
Georgina and people who have put the work in and gotten far because of it, showing me I can do the same if I commit and who aren't afraid to be passionate about their work.
Chris Terry
Seeing where Chris has got to, inspires me and demonstrates what is possible and that I can one day achieve similar success over and above my own successes.
What aspects of the workplace culture contribute most to your job satisfaction?
Kerry King
Having a senior management team that really care about employees and their job satisfaction along with the opportunities to develop or change career path. No matter the issues throughout the years whether these be professional or personal there is always someone at Opus to give me the support I needed at the time.

Elizabeth Cooper
Acknowledgement of effective work (with opportunity, rewards, or even just a compliment in the kitchen - we are all encouraged to share praise with each other which is amazing)
Respect for each other and our circumstances leading to better commitment to the big goals from employees.

Alex Briscariu
One of the most satisfying aspects of my job is the trust I have from Opus that my job will get done without a need to be micro-managed or having to be based at my office desk so my manager and other senior management can check on me.
Martin Ellis
Everyone pulling together to ensure that we have successful projects - we clearly explain then meet the customer's expectations and all work together to reach this goal. A successful project (and therefore a happy customer) is my main job satisfaction.
We have a time management style
There are a lot of time management strategies out there, but we have found Stephen Covey’s Four Quadrants of time management to be the most effective. We want you to spend time in Q2, Improve Q1. We find Q3 and Q4 to be time wasting, so steer clear of those ones!

When it comes to feedback,
you can expect the following
Your manager will hold a regular 1:1 with you
Stand Ups
Regular sessions to set the priorities of the day or week
Annual Appraisals
You will be set a PDP which is reviewed monthly as part of your 121
Company Updates
Where we share business performance 3rd Wednesday of the month
Did we mention our meeting mantras?
Start with Purpose
Every meeting begins with a clear purpose; if it doesn't, it's not worth having
Respect Everyone's time
Every minute wasted in a meeting is a minute taken from valuable work
Agenda is King
A well-crafted agenda is the roadmap to a successful meeting; stick to it, and stay focused
Embrace Constructive Conflict
Differences of opinion are opportunities for growth
Engage, Don't Lecture
Engage participants actively; a meeting is a conversation, not a monologue
Technology is a tool, not a distraction
Use technology purposefully; its a tool to enhance, not distract from the meeting objective

But why is this so important?
Well, we have a vision.
And you are part of it
Our Vision
We are the catalyst for connecting our clients to limitless possibilities.
Our Mission
Combining unrivalled expertise, a customer-centric approach, and world-class technology to power our clients’ ambitions.
Our Brand Promise
The Opus Way: Delivering value through an innovative, responsive, and seamless customer-centric experience at every stage of our partnership.
Frequent Social Events
Opus hostes frequent fully funded social events throughout the year.